At Healing Works we use natural - often ancient- therapies as antidotes to the stresses of modern living. We offer and carry out treatments that are relaxing and meet your needs at that time, be they for health, wellbeing some much needed 'time-out' or simply for pampering or pleasure. Breath....Feel...Release..Harmonize...Be... All treatments are carried out by a highly qualified, fully trained, experienced, practitioner.
In using the word 'Healing' we dont mean curing, but to assist your body, mind and spirit to come to terms with things the way things are. If we are dynamic in achieving a state of relaxation, we are optimising the body's own chances of healing itself. Whilst more and more evidence is reported about stress impacting negatively on our state of health, the values of relaxation therapies do serve to impact positively on us in the same way.
Jackie Lang
Healing Works